Tallinn Diary/Some thoughts

November 12, 2014. You can buy up any official in Estonia for a million, Lennart Meri, President of Estonia told me in Christmas morning in late 90s. He had called me and my son Oliver to his residence that morning so he could leave Oliver with his daughter when he himself joins with wife official Christmas service at countryside church but I had misunderstood his invitation and went with photographer instead, assuming he wants to give interview instead. He sent photographer away, asked where is Oliver and then we had coffee and chat and he surprised me with the sudden statement about million being enough to buy up any official. I argued, asked also does he mean dollars or Estonian kroons (tenth of dollar) but he didnt reply to that. History is going to repeat itself, its going to repeat itself as it happened in 30s and 40s, he added instead. He also told me that day the biggest enemy of Estonia is inside Estonia, its the dishonest clerk. Out of all the long conversation we had, mostly on phone these years these statement have revisited my mind often. So many years later, its the deja vu feeling. After seen personally how many most high rank officials one after another have no problem to lie, help to cover up a crime, cementing their job and selling their soul to devil, I have to admit Lennart Meri was right. And isnt that war hysteria, ongoing inability of humankind, manipulated by global military industry and handful of dishonest leaders a proof also 30s and 40s of last century repeat themselves in new way. I was so idealistic at the end of 20th century, sincerely believing the new millennium will be peaceful and people will learn to live in harmony and peace. And I dnt doubt that is what the absolute majority of Earth 7 billion inhabitants want. So how come we have failed to achieve that. Had it been my choice I would use all global military expenditures for two purposes: to eradicate the poverty to grant food and home for all, and to speed up the space research and travel.
November 4, 2014. Proud of Sweden for recognizing the State of Palestine on October 30, 2014. How many decades ago it was promised Palestine will be an independent state. Lets hope peace and friendship will win both in Palestine and Israel and in their mutual coexistence some day. 

September 4, 2014. There have been 3 good news in recent days in global affairs. First, that Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk will take over top job in EU and will become next president of the European Council; Donald Tusk has earned my full respect for honesty and speaking out about and against Putin and his ambitious plans always, also in times when in Estonia Ansip-Ilves preferred to stay silent, or promote Putins agenda (Mistrals, Ukraine, Gazprom pipeline, plus locally new Est-Rus border treaty on Putin terms as requested by Ilves already since 2008 etc). Secondly, the extraordinary speech by US President Barack Obama in Tallinn on Sept 3, 2014 with clear message to Putin to keep his hands and artillery off from the Baltic States or face NATO article 5 implented. Thirdly, France President Hollande finally announcing on Sept 3, 2014 that the deal to construct Mistral war ships to Russia, agreed by exPresident Sarkozy and Putin 2011 is terminated, hopefully finally; we wrote many articles before the deal also at Agence France Presse - on how dangerous and unethical is that deal from point of view of Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine, and I personally was told by French Minister Pierre Lellouche in front of French diplomats during press briefing at French ambassador´s Tallinn residencethat apart of Poland and other Baltic leaders Ansip-Ilves lead Estonian leaders didnt express any strong opposition to French plan to construct the powerful war ships for Putin. How much anger and harrassment I have had to feel from these cameleons over the years for writing truth and warning about plans like the Gazprom pipeline in Baltic Sea that Putin promised to guard if needed with war ships some day. The good news from last days about Tusk, Mistrals and Obama speech are brilliant in ideal world. In surreal world where I have been forced to live last years after the cover up of long list of horrors that took the life of my 26 year old son in autumn 2009 in Tallinn NEMC/PERH state supervised hospital, it was surreal to see that many officials who himself and whose employees have been personally involved in cover-up of that horror, including Interior Minister Hanno Pevkur were sitting in the same hall; pure criminal minded people listening Barack Obama´s talk about human rights, principles of democratic society. You can watch the speech by President Obama he gave in Tallinn - without having any paper in front of him - in youtube, and read it here: www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2014/09/03/we-are-stronger-because-we-are-democracies-president-obama-addresses-people-estonia . It was more than welcome to be reassured the Baltic nations will not be let again alone like it happened in 1940 and 1945. But lets hope that maddness ends without more innocent people perishing, and lets not loose the hope some day Earth will be free of all guns, with people still alive.
June 23, 2014. Sorry for being away for so long, my midsummer hugs to all of you. I have updated the information regarding what lead to tragedy of my son 26-year old Oliver who was killed in autumn 2009 in NEMC hospital in Tallinn, Estonia to cover up the medical mistakes that started from the horrible complications he got from being wrongly prescribed Metoclopramide (Cerucal). I learned only this May 2014 that the complications he got just a day after visiting Tallinn NEMC hospital on September 19, 2009 that took him to hospital on September 24, 2009 were the side effects of Metoclopramide prescribed him on September 19, 2009. My gratitude to France and European Medicines Agency for special Metoclopramide study 2011-2013 and highliting the horrible neurological risks of Metoclopramide. I am also thankful to EU Commission for publishing report last week about medical mistakes. Doing the best now with the help of law office to reopen the case and to make not just NEMC medical staff involved but also officials who falsificated the facts and ignored evidence to face at least.some kind of resposibility to avoid other people ending up on same horror road. The link to updated info is here.
November 19, 2013. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hold a speech at Tallinn University on November 16, 2013 during his two-day visit to Estonia, stressing that dignity for all should be our main principle and human rights should be taken seriously by every government, highlighting several important problems in his speech to hundreds of students, diplomats and officials. Taking a chance after his presentation to deliver welcome wishes to UN Secretary General also from the staff of United Nations mission to Estonia in 90s, including myself as UN Information and Coordination Officer at the Office of United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative I also noted to Ban Ki-moon that when you step out for human rights in Estonia you are simply smashed down by the current government, but you learn this and how corrupted that system really is only when you find itself in situation like that. I would have wished a lot that UN Secretary General would have had a chance to meet also leaders of Estonian Patient´s Advocacy Association to get the more honest picture about what the struggle for human rights, including in health care really means in todays Estonia and how vast is the corrupted ring of officials up to Chief Prosecutor Norman Aas, Justice Minister Hanno Pevkur and many more who do their best to cover up even the most severe abuse cases in Estonian hospitals. For more on that read also Abuse and fatal medical mistakes in Estonia and Human rights report about torture and abuse in Estonian hospitals.

August 23, 2013. Two years after I had a brief heartwarming encounter with Dalai Lama who took my hand and locked me to himself in Tallinn the man who keeps saying his religion is kindness returns to Baltics, this time to Latvia Sept 9 and Lithuania Sept 13, 2013 and as always everyone is welcome to attend Dalai Lama public speeches. And what a lovely timing, to return to Baltics and be here on September 12, 2013 when 30 years pass from the birth of my beloved son Oliver. More horrible facts emerged this summer about what happened to him in Tallinn PERH hospital Mustamäe campus before he lost his life in autumn 2009, after being sedated without his knowlegde with various drugs, chained to bed for days and nights after I wished to take him away to other hospotal, then injected to coma and finally left starving and without any drugs, despite having far developed two side bacterial pneumonia that the hospital had "treated" 13 days with brain supressing substance instead of antibiotics he need. By now a long list of authorities have helped to cover it all up, probably not understanding that things like that can happen to many people but very few cases emerge to public and when nothing is done, nothing changes. 
When Dalai Lama left Tallinn last time in summer 2011 I watched the speech he gave soon in Canada, and heard him telling to audience how sad it is when young life is cut in hospital. On December 10, 1989, in his Nobel Prize speech Dalai Lama said among other things: "As a Buddhist monk, my concern extends to all members of the human family and, indeed, to all sentient beings who suffer. I believe all suffering is caused by ignorance. People inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share." Will we ever reach that goal, delivering that message to each person on that planet, so that people will not harm others and every single member of the mankind will start to value the brief moment we have been given to share together this very short time we spend on that beautiful planet? At least we can try.

People learn to speak many different languages, but when you are born 
and dont speak yet any of them you already know the universal and powerful language of smile, and warmheartness, that you communicate when looking at the eyes of your Mom. 
Unfortunately, too many forget or ignore that divine skill later in life. 

Photo: Sailing Baltic Sea Tallinn Kuressaare 2013
Not the Kon Tiki, but another ship built
by Norweigans decades before, in 1907 -
Blue Sirius, on its way from Tallinn
to island Saaremaa, August 2, 2013 
August 18, 2013. Four years after we had nice short holiday on island Saaremaa with my son Oliver who had travelled there with his girlfriend and called me from the island to join, I finally managed to return to the Kuressaare. Cosy coastal capital of the island where we had stayed by its castle and the sea during what turned to be our last holiday together, noone of us knowing what an horror he is going to face  few weeks later before he his life will be ended. Every summer my memories from the island Saaremaa we have both loved and visited many times have been attracting me back, but I have felt it could be too hard to drive the same long road.
 So when I was told this summer I can join Estonian oldest active sailing ship Blue Sirius crew and travel to the island on sea to attend the Kuressaare Maritime Festival at the beginning of August it felt like a great option. The Baltic Sea was stormy at the first half of our sailing but the trip was great anyway and we enjoyed also the young and dedicated crew. Sailing on sea, not speaking while  having the luxury to enjoy the old majestic Blue Sirius, built in Norway in 1906-1907 and rebuilt in 70s for Caribbean trip in mind is always calming and empowering. Less than week later on August 9, 2013 Blue Sirius hit the land behind island Aegna on Tallinn Bay shortly before midnight. When I write these lines here we all hope a lot the Blue Sirius can be saved and taken back to port. You can watch video about the historic ship at their homepage and if you wish to support Blue Sirius team in whatever way you can please find contact details at Blue Sirius website. Just few days after Blue Sirius had an accident Norway´s Kon Tiki movie was released also in Tallinn - brilliant and a must film to see about the legendary trip by Norweigan Thor Heyerdahl and his crew who sailed from South America over Pasific Ocean on some kind of thing that was not a ship but had a sail, moved, protected them from sharks and was meant to prove that 1500 years ago people might have sailed like that over the biggest ocean we have on this planet. 
When I was a kid in Soviet Union, I read brilliant book by Thor Heyerdahl about the Kon Tiki trip and only now, after seeing the film thought what a great thing it was we even managed to get it published that time. The Kon Tiki Estonian translator Henrik Sepamaa had been imprisoned  after WWII and taken to Russian jails for over ten years for resisting Soviet occupation. Upon his release and return to Estonia in 1956 he managed to translate many good books, but died just a year before the independence of his homeland was restored in 1991. 
Photo: Summer in Estonia. July 20, 2013 near Tallinn.

July 2013 in Estonia, near Tallinn. Nothing beats the Nordic summer, at least not for our Nordic hearts. The island on background is Aegna on Tallinn bay.   


August 17, 2013. After another Kremlin  spy has been just caught in Estonia (third in few years) there is debate up again in Estonia who and why took at least dozen (some claim more) ex KGB officers to work at Estonian security police in 1990s after Estonia restored its independence. This has damaged both the country and security police, not speaking about the people whom exKGB officials have harmed. The that time interior minister Lagle Parek and first security police head Jüri Pihl who could just apologize and admit they made an error keep even now in 2013 insisting they had to recruite KGB officials because KGB left behind tools nobody knew how to use, as Parek insists today again at Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht. Instead of just hiring someone from ex KGB staff for few weeks to teach how to use these "tools", at least dozen employees of KGB were taken for two decades to work at the security police of Estonia. The last Kremlin spy caught, one of those KGB persons recruited like that in 90s chaired - as media claims - KGB technical "sneaking" department with around hundred employees. Hard to understand why people whose task was to harrass so many, including most active journalists during our battle for the independence in late 80s and the beginning of 90s were secretly recruited by the people acting on name of state we fought for
May 3, 2013, I made homepage for Barbados gardener holticulturist Anthony Hunte as a gift in mid April and it has helped to transfer part of my mind to his beautiful Huntes Gardens on Barbados, to bring bit more light and warmth in times of very hard struggle for justice. Click here for Hunte´s Gardens fans homepage. 

 (p.s. The first-ever homepage as a gift I decided to make many years ago was for my friends nun, Indian and Mexican Bridgettine sisters in Tallinn Pirita Abbey, you can also stay at their abbey home while in Tallinn.)

Let me share also with you today a joke from this week. I heard the joke that the US led peace operation in Afghanistan (that many people scare will end with chaos after 2014) has brought during the decade long invasion and mess called its-oil-that-matters-men a huge positive mentality change to Afghanistan! That mentality change was praised by Estonian foreign minister at the press conference in Tallinn. I like too as Minister Urmas Paet that women in Afghanistan are now also seen more like humans and that millions of Afghan kids go to school. But, Afghanistan mentality change? Before the Americans took over Afghanistan over decade ago the fact according to United Nations data is that the Taleban had managed dramatically cut narcotics cultivation in Afghanistan. And where we are now, after decade of US led operation? According to UN Office on Drugs and Crime (last report released midApril 2013) Afghanistan has became the country that last year 2012 provided 75% of all illegal opium to global market on our planet and the the grim number is expected to increase to 90% in 2013. When I asked Afghanistan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul this week in Tallinn whether we can conclude his government has failed in fight with drugs he kind of avoided the answer and blamed global drug demand for that. Its shameful, all Afghanistan farmers who you make money making drugs and shameful to US bribed regime behind that. Sad to see US that we admired much during Soviet occupation has degraded itself in such a way this millennium. Already the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan was so, so wrong, and how many lives have been lost. In summer 1979 I worked on Moldova grapes fields at age 16 at village Karagash when a body of one of first young victims, Soviet soldier, forced by Kremlin to Afghanistan was taken there and since that so many, icluding Estonian boys from my generation have perished for someone elses interests. 

 I also asked Rassoul to comment New York Times this week story about CIA cash money, tens of millions of USD delivered to Kabul leaders and allegedly just increasing corruption. I believe in my president, so, as Karzai said, it goes to humaniatarian cause, Rassoul replied. Well, I believe also in Santa Claus.  
April 16, 2013. Had mind relocation to other side of Globe late February and  March after visiting Garden wonderland that looked like heaven and felt been taken by the beautiful nature. One person just decided at age 62 to turn his dream into reality, made a magic garden nowhere and after 2 years of hard work opened his gates to visitors. The follow-up - his home garden has became the number 1 tourist spot at his country, as rated by Tripadvisor. 
To meet passionate people who do good things for good cause is a strawberry to soul, always and I am glad I have met so many good people who have tried to make the planet bit better place. Here is also a  story from South Estonia we did not long ago about a man who made creating lakes his hobby, and set up nice classical music venue. Link is here.

Photo: Vahel tahaks, et keegi kelle sõnal oleks kaalu võtaks sõna ja ytleks midagi nii, et see mõni päev hiljem ei ununeks nagu nt Lennart seda mitmel korral tegi, nt tolles mälestusväärses iseseisvuspäeva kõnes, kui tal sai süda täis, et tuleb koos terve hulga seadust rikkuvate, pead tõstvate riiklike pättidega Estoniasse istuda. Praegu saab vaid ette kujutada, mis tal oelda oleks peatses iseseisvuspäevakõnes IRLi elamislubadega sahkerdamisest, Reformierakonna rahapesust, korrumpeerunud jõustruktuuridest, tuhandetest süvavaesus elavatest eesti lastest, tuhandetest Eestist viimastel aastatel lahkunud ja üha lahkuvatest noortest, kümnetest tuhandest eestlastest, kes on olnud sunnitud tööd otsima Soomes, valitsejatest, kelle jaoks on oluline, et Eesti paistaks hea välja statistikas, aga kes oma rahvast lihtsalt ei hooli jne. Ja ometi on veel see miski, mis meid teiega selle maa küljes kinni hoiab.

I really wish Estonia´s first post-occupation president Lennart Meri to be still alive, to hear what he could say about where the country has been taken by now. The text up are his nice words in letter to me, that came with a gift. Back then all was on right course.

Look also at Lennart Meri annual Conference speeches, panels available from this weekend also here

April 16, 2013. Looking at news and devlopments in Estonia it goes on like travelling back on time machine. What I said and wrote many years ago has now finally been seen by so many others. Estonian Agriculture Minister Helir-Valdor Seedor wrote in biggest daily Postimees that the current government and coalition is not having in mind any more the national interests of Estonia. The last weeks open flirts with Kremlin and very bizzare remarks by PM and many others at top leave no doubt on that. The article by Seeder indicated there is at least one honest - and bold - minister left in Estonian government. Estonian expatriots web newspaper Vaba Sõna in America has an article "Where are you going, Estonia?" at its site about why so many KGB related people still rule our country and why even their new crimes are not punished. The article notes they are so related to each other and scared of their past coming out and there is nothing to do with it. If you know Estonian the story is here. 

April 2, 2013. Read a letter today by a very high level official who had signed it on April 1 and the short message itself was just like from Fools Day basement, another example how deep (high) the corruption really goes. More importantly, the question who and how runs the country has got some serious debate recently after one of the giant media owners in Estonia published an article this winter claiming that many Estonian top political, and even church leaders are freemasons (link to story here, in Estonian only). Claimed that is where the high rank positions in Estonia are filled and decisions made. One could expect the story to be untrue but on the contrary, several top officials have either admitted the membership or didnt decline when their names have been revealed in media articles. One of the last surprises is the head of  Tallinn all Lutheran churches Jaan Tammsalu. Plus many, much less respected names outlined. One of their members noted in interview the secret gatherings start with pray for Estonian current president, the man who has changed a lot and not in best way the image of presidency. Well, Lenin was said to have been freemason too and many of his fellow-criminals who turned the Russia upside down. It will not take much to search the net or look at videos taken with candid camera about some freemansory meetings abroad, including the goat sacrifice ritual at upper lodge and blood drinking video at Youtube aired also in TV at that particular country partly in Europe to ask what kind of truth we are not told.  

25 years passed today from the meeting of Estonian cultural elite back in Soviet era when the need for freedom to our country and many aspects of Soviet absurdism were outlined, paving the way to singing revolution and our fight for the restoration of the independence. "We were occupied but mentally free that time, now Estonia is free but mentally we are not free," one of the key speakers back in 1988, architect Ignar Fjuk told today 2013. He also noted the leaders have still not realized they are not masters, but servants to people. Young female actor widely quoted in media today who was let to speak at parliament too made a huge criticism on how doubblefaced the Estonian political elite looks to her generation.

Where is that golden Christal age that so many were exepcting in recent years to arrive, with people becoming honest, kind, human in every sense? 

At least one good news - United Nationas has launched a report about the torture and violation of human rights in health care establishments. The UN Special Rapporteur on torture Juan. E. Méndez called for an international debate on abuses in health-care settings that may cross a threshold of maltreatment equivalent to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The very welcomed and very needed UN report can be find here.  

March 29, 2013. Spring is in air, my dear friend told me over the phone from the other side of Globe few days ago. Is it? Are there springs still coming and passing on Earth? And which year it is, anyway? 


Updated October 30, 2012. It has been deeply sad to see how step by step and from year to year since 2005 or so Estonia has slipped back to Brezhnev style country with the party and rulers on top that do  not obey laws neither ethical principles. With several ex career communists still on power, what could you expect. Writer and ex head of Tallinn University Rein Raud who called current rulers "moral bastards" summarized the new old era they have implemented on us in his article "Back to USSR" this week and that is the feeling many, perhaps even majority of us have. Money laundering, corruption, arrogance and ignorance seems business as usual for people like that. I have learned this week that if needed its no problem still to cover up even the brutal abuse and fatal medical mistakes despite all evidences and you simply seem hopeless below the shadow of the army of those unethical people. Whats the price of their dishonesty and when it happened we gave the country we fought so much for back to people like that? 

I have always said that one of the biggest damages Soviet era did was how it changed many minds of people, their values, changing the society so much crueler. I watched recently a program at Estonian TV about Estonian in his 20s, Tanel and the battle of his mom few years ago at hospital who managed to save his son from the cruel staff at hospital that considered him hopeless and starved the 186 cm patient to 35 kg, wrongly telling to mom his son is brain dead. Only after the mom had found out the doctors had lied to her she managed to take his son off from hospital and months later he came out from comatose and is alive today. Other young Estonian, woman hit by iclet was starved at same hospital to 34 kg after being considered hopeless too but survived and came out of comatose when her parents managed to take her to Germany. Hard to believe it all has happened in Estonia where 700 people are estimated to perish annually in hospital due to medical mistakes and neither police or prosecution do anything - or better to say they do helping to cover up so many cases.

The few sunny moments from the summer - I have got so many great angelic photos with my camera and in mid September got first time orbs to my video - some of them after watching adorable show in Tallinn sky near harbor. With so many similar videos from around the globe nobody has still explained what are those white balls that move, emerge, disappear. Some of the best sky photos I got this summer are from Germany, brief trip to some nice concerts and solitude in Wiesbaden that was like refreshing fuel after rather hard spring. If you ever happen to be there - the Wiesbaden concert hall became my absolute favorite, it reminds a lot about our own national Estonia concert hall back in Tallinn, is much more majestic but still felt so much home. 


Read about abuse of patients in Tallinn hospitals, our battle for rule & justice in Estonia where 1500 estimated perish annually due to medical errors

Click the headline for more info. New horrific overview about torture and abuse of patients, compiled by Estonian Patients Advocacy Association added in spring 2012. The abuse of patients is also highlighted in April 2012 in annual report by Estonian Human Rights Centre.

Updated June 21, 2012. Do you know how big are the really big stars and how many lifetimes of human being it would  take to make just one round on airplane around such giant star that you can look at the end of this video? After one of my classmates put that link up to FB I have to admit even me the great space fan since childhood had no idea. Its Midsummer in Estonia and from next week days wil be shorter and shorter again. Time seems to pass so quickly and the same time also it seems to stand unchanged. The ending week in Estonia brought a news from court that ended one of the longest criminal cases investugating possible corruption of some once powerful politician etc that was summarised in 40 000 pages (!) by prosecutors and the result - not guilty. The judge said many evidences were unlwaful and ordered state - all of us - to pay 1.3 million euros for those suspected for their legal costs. Is that the price one should pay when looking for justice and in need to hire top level lawyers for that? The case goes to next level court most likely and in times when corruption seems to have became business as usual one can hardly predict whether the long criminal case will have any positive impact despite many wish. To end with better note after weeks of corruption news here of which the dirtiest was to learn the ruling party lead by Prime Minister has been involved in money laundering for years as one of its exMP revealed, I will put here link to one of the well known summer evening dance songs in Finland. I saw yesterday my 12 year old friend who has been a very good friend in all those years had just put that song to his FB site. I happened to learn that song on accordeon from Dads notes and have played it hundreds of times - Säkkijärven polkka, and its just to wish a nice summer to all of you who happen to read these lines.
June 10, 2012. After the corruption scandal of dirty money laundering by Estonian leading Reform party chaired by PM Andrus Ansip rocked the country two weeks ago, it has vanished this week from most of media sites by another scandal. Toomas Hendrik Ilves whom few dozens of politicians reelected to office in autumn 2011 finally got noted by global media after slashing during night following two parties in Riga words like "shit" in his rude tweets. Ilves did so bcs he was simply not happy Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman had mentioned in New York Times Estonia´s economy is far behind 2007 level so the austerity praising given to the small country - and also many quites refered in my own articles at Agence France Presse seems doubtful. While Ilves and the rest of Estonia´s ruling establishment  who did not practice the austerity measures on themselves hit Krugman for nothing and put words into his mouth that he never said, the fact is that the theory of Krugman that austerity might not be the best solution during recession looks rather right. Despite Estonia´s economy boomed 7.6 percent last year it will grow just some 2 percent this year and one of the prices of severe recession austerity measures is the army of desperate people we might have lost - the tens of thousands who left Estonia to work in Finland. Since Ilves got his first job paid by Estonians in 1993 he has been involved in so many personal corruption scandals in Estonia that probably the rest of all Baltic Sea region heads of state dont have anything similar combined. Ilves colleague Michal Moran from Free Europe Radio in years when US president Bush senior gave almost no support to our freedom battle to get rid of Soviet Union wrote his own article this week about Ilves. He recalled how Ilves had told him in 1990 the writer Graham Greene should have been shot 30 years ago! Well, hopefully Ilves was happy GG passed away year later. In 2008 Ilves told in interview to Wall Street Journal "Who the fuck are Balts to us" etc. etc.
Just few days before that new Ilves scandal broke out this week I went to conference of FIDE in Tallinn but it was truelly hard to hear speech about EU fundamental rights at the 500 top European lawyers last session. 3 years ago I was asked to help to organise the FIDE congress regarding media, but I had to decline and suggested other person. The main organiser of the event, Julia Laffranque who is now Judge at European Human Rights Court has stressed many times and did so also now at TV interview that being treated with dignity and to have right for life are the most important rigths we have. These both principles are also mentioned first above the rest at European Charter of Human Rights. 
I truelly wish one day we will have people like Julia Laffranque to lead this country, so the people will get back the confidence in their state.  Not like now when it seems its ruled by heartless people with no moral whose actions look sometimes even criminal as one of the wellknown Estonians from singing revolution year, literature scientist Sirje Kiin wrote this week in her public letter from US announcing her retirement from one of Estonias two ruling parties, joining the camp of people who feel ashamed what they see and hear. 

May 27, Sunday. What a rocky week in Estonian politics it has been. More and more people seem to have reached the point when they dont just feel shamed what they see at the top of Estonian rulers but they also wish a change. Ivar Tallo, long time head of Estonian E-Academy who has promoted democratic values in many states called this week Estonian Justice Minister, symbol of big dishonesty  Kristen Michal to be excluded from the government, noting otherwise it will give a sign "politics really is like a mafia". Expert AL from Est Foreign Policy Institute in turn raised the question whether part of Estonian current ruling party has been corrupted by money from Kremlin. And there has been a lot of similar stories this week after one of Reform party members and ex-MP Silver Meikar revealed in Estonian daily Postimees this week the ruling Reform party, chaired by Prime Minister Andrus Ansip has been involved in money laundering for years, with illegal system organized to legalize the money from unknown sources put to the party account via its members showing its like their donation. Both PM and the Justice Minister - who is law student still seeking his master degree in law - made face this week it all comes as true surprise for them and all is a lie but with many more politicians and businessman coming out and saying that money laundering system of Estonian parties has been for long reality there is no room for doubt any more on how corrupted the system has became. 
Apart of what most of us expected after seeing law establishment dealing mainly with opposition corruption only for years Estonian Prosecution Office launched criminal case this week and says it hopes to find out the organizers behind that money laundering among ruling party. 
Highly appreciated ex-Ombudsman Allar Jõks whom PM and Rerform party sacked few years ago for his honesty has said he has been told it costs 32 000 euros in Estonia to "buy a law you wish". What might have been the price of other dirty deals? Like when PM who started his career as Soviet era Communist Party official quickly praised Gazprom/Putin plans in Estonian waters few years ago but was later forced to give it up when public didnt agree with him, pointing that for Kremlin the pipeline is also a tool to fulfill its military goals? Was there also some kind of price when opening of criminal investigation regarding the brutal abuse of my son in 2009 at the Tallinn hospital supervised by the government politicians was delayed for six months and then the truth attempted to be slammed down by lies, falsifications and violation of several valid laws?  Of what are made the hearts of these people?   

May 16. Lennart Meri, Estonian President in 90s who made tiny Estonia look much bigger would be proud to know annual Lennart Meri Conference with his name as title has became intellectual candy for foreign policy experts. This year last weekend the sessions of which some I followed at net and some at conference site at SAS Radisson Tallinn (search for Lennart Meri Conference website) were very interesting and I liked a lot the one with Russian opposition leaders talking, including Garry Kasparov and Boris Nemtsov. I asked them both whether I can write about their views on Russia to global media also and here is what went out this weekend from AFP under headline "Kasparov brands Putin an 'oligarch' seeking Stalinist rule": "Chess legend Garry Kasparov branded Russian President Vladimir Putin "an oligarch who wants to rule like Stalin" and urged the West not to think of him as a democratic leader. "My plea to the Western world is, please stop calling Putin a democratic leader. Putin is an oligarch who wants to rule the country like Stalin but to live like a modern oligarch," he told the Lennart Meri conference in Tallinn. The West should also "admit that the regime of Putin is the regime of oligarchs whose common slogan can be (summarised) as 'lets steal together'," charged the Soviet-era chess world champion turned opposition figure.   Opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was also at the conference Sunday, claimed that recent polls that led to the re-election of Putin as president were marred by fraud. "There are three symbols of current Russia -- brutal police... that last week once again arrested both me and some 1,200 demonstrators, of whom some are still jailed; terrible cynical propaganda; and total falsifications during elections," said Nemtsov. Not only were result falsified, but the state also refused to register many democratic candidates, he complained. "Some 10 million dollars were spent during the recent presidential election campaign in Russia to get people to rally for Putin and vote for him," said the opposition leader. The Lennart Meri Conference is named after the writer, filmmaker and diplomat who was Estonian president in the 1990s and died in 2006."

But after all its really pity how weak has been the Russian democratic opposition all those over 20 years we live without USSR and how uncertain looks the future of Russia (and not only) even in 21th century that I thought back in Moscow in August 1991 would be so different. We live in 21th century and we still spend so much money for guns, deadly bombs and hate in East and West, instead of realizing  that brief  moment given to us on Earth  should be spent so differently, in peace at least .

April 29. Music and music in Tallinn, European orchestra festival going on, jazz festival, brilliant concert by Tartu University female choir yesterday at church nearby home etc. Tested my new (finally smart but harder to use for simple calls) phone with listening live a nice concert Pianissimo with Brahms by Estonian National Symphony Orchestra ERSO this week. Week before on April 20 returned to Estonia concert hall after quite a break and it was well worth it. Very nice concert by conductor Paavo Järvi who had decided to perform this time in first half Dimitry Shostakovitch music accompanied with praising songs to Stalin who has caused so much sorrow to Estonia and many other nations around and in Russia. The conductor was even asked by Russian boy choir from Narva in North-East Estonia to sign a letter the concert will not cause a problem for them in any way politically! Even me was surprised when I learned about the concert choice but Paavo really gave us a lesson - the music itself was so much worth of playing. I also enjoyed the boy choir, listening it just as music and not understanding much the Russian words, except some. You can listen it here, music starts after 6 min.

Do you know that online fashion world is thrilled by robots made in Estonia? My story about the Estonian robots that have taken the global fashion by storm went out this month from Paris to global media, you can search for it at Google, putting the headline inside "" as "Estonian robots boost global online clothing market". One of the - as I saw Google claimed - some 120 000 (?) sites its up by this morning is here.

March 20. Every time I see news about another medical staff caught killing patients like this week in Uruguay where two nursers admitted killing at least 16 patients I wonder how little people or law establishment realizes how easy it is to kill people in hospitals - all you need is to know what to inject or what to put into substance given. And we can only guess how many of such cases go unnoticed and the criminals stay unpunished. The CNN story about the latest medical killers is here. 

The little IT-story I write this week - and more or less its a bit also PR-trick by authorities, got as usually with IT stories over 1000 links in net in hours and over 2000 in two days. Link is here. The wonderful Sung Bong Choi from Korea shared with us this week his new song, what a voice, I really admire that young man, you can listen his new performance here.

March 5. The both weekend days yesterday and the day before were so bright and sky so blue all I met said spring is in air and Francis Goya in Tallinn this week. Its almost always like that in March around the women´s day after what you realise the grey April still has to be passed to reach the no chilly times that last from May to the end of September. Not a week goes without me noticing another unethical doctor(s) has been charged somewhere for what is hard to expect from professional whom you expect to have much high ethics. At least somewhere killers end up in court room and their buddies neither officials cant cover it up knowing they will face the punishment in case they do and the law is law, just that.The most recent stories I read today about the doctors facing court room for breaking the law are here and here.Estonian public TV had an interesting story late yesterday about how easy was it for Estonian president to get a week ago medical treatment for his shoulder in Finland for Estonian taxpayers money who compensated the over 3 times more expensive treatment there and how Estonian kid (like many more) who needed eye operation was refused from similar support bcs like already Orwel said - people are equal but some are just more equal. I must have had something strange with eyesight going on too bcs I saw the video this morning that Putin has declared himself the president of Russia again and the man whose hands are in blood with thousands of innocent lives lost in Chechnya had tears in his humble looking eyes! Might it be either the puppet president Medvedyev or the TV man just stood too close to Putin and were smelling too much for onion what they like to eat when drinking the vodka in Russia?

February 25. One of those things that is adorable in journalism is that it gives you endlessly chances to learn something new and also to choose to meet people who do something with passion. Like those we met when visiting Setoland in South-East Estonia with photograher two months ago. I picked the lady for the interview at the very last moment just 2 days before we went there when I learned she is the only lady elected to be "queen of Setoland" (they elect the ruler every year) and she appeared to the interview together with her son who had decided to support his mom´s passion for their ancestors land and culture. Turned out her son is only few days younger than my Oliver! You can read my feature about Setoland when you search Google with the headline "Estonia's Seto minority strive to protect traditions". Apart of that one of the really big news came that passing week in Estonia: another state official alias Russian spy was caught in Estonia. This time one of the high security officials of Estonian Security Police turned out to have been for years Russian spy. I have no doubt there are many more like him among state officials of whom many belonged to Communist Party and some even to its elite and power structures now working next to colleagues who have always been honest and never know who is who really. In light of new Russian spy scandal it finally emerged the both caught Russian spies in Estonia have worked together with current president Ilves as their direct supervisor: the newly caught spy Dressen and the Simm who was sentenced in winter 2009 for selling NATO secrets to Russia were - according to Estonian government records quoted by media only now, appointed in 1999 to the state strategic goods import and export control commission then headed by former Estonian foreign minister and current president Toomas-Hendrik Ilves. Ilves who moved to Estonia in 90s from West has had to heard lot of hard words over the years for hiring some people related to KGB . Ilves granted a state award this February to one of those Estonian doctors who together with his many colleagues violated  knowingly the law (that prohibits any colleague of doctor whose medical mistakes are discussed to belong to relevant state commission) and helped to falsificate and hide the medical mistakes and fatal decisions of his colleagues at the Tallinn biggest hospital in autumn 2009. The head of that hospital Allik who has no medical education and Ilves were in same boat over decade ago when Allik chaired NRG Energy firm in Estonia and both he and Ilves promoted the selling of Estonian state owned energy giant Eesti Energia to group of foreigners who turned out not what they had claimed to be and the plan was  cancellled only due to active public resistance lead by academician Endel Lippmaa.Why is it so that so many people who lack the basics in ethics but are good in rhetorics can manage reach the top. Regardless of running from one corruptive scandal to another in all his duties in Estonia, Ilves who secured his position keeping his mouth shut on any government misdeeds was remade president for next five years by 73 coalition MPs in autumn 2011 and next chance to get honest replacement will arrive only in August 2016.

February 17. When I had a chance to attend Bill Clinton inauguration in Washington on January 20, 1993 as part of US State Department/USIS program foreign guests group and toured US for month listening also many lectures given, one of the guidelines we were told for all world leaders was something that really felt good - when  you climb up in political power career try not to forget that regardless how up you manage to go sooner or later you will have to climb down again, so act at top so you will not feel ashamed when your time at top is over. It seems in Estonia that some of its leaders have came to believe that their power lasts forever so they can endlessly lie, even misuse justice system, embarass those few who still have courage to step out for their rights and basically do whatever they wish, violationg laws and basic principles of the democracy. There has been so much talk that as people in Estonia have been under foreign masters for centuries its a slave nation and thats the reason why they dont have generally courage to stand up against what is wrong, and why even the increase of unemployment to close to 20% percent in 2010 was not accompanied by public protests and same rulers were elected back. But February 2012 seems to have been the turning point - more people than ever since singing revolution attended last week public rallies fueled by the remarks of Prime Minister at the ACTA discussion in parliament where PM summoned his anger against some anti-Acta moods with suggesting that critics of the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement must be on drugs. "Someone who says something like that must have eaten some seeds and not those kind of seeds we grow in our fields," Ansip told lawmakers. "It might be helpful to put tinfoil in your hat," Ansip added, referring to the belief of some UFO-watchers that it wards off alien mind-control. Well, thousands turned out few days later with hundres wearing the selfmade "ufo hats" being angry for PMs comment, calling it arrogant. I personally think that ACTA as such has not much to do with the incresing anger of public and finally also media on how government treats people but enough is somehow just enough. In most Western Europe countries such an authocratic rulership could hardly last.   The problem for Estonia is however that it lacks the new generation of strong and honest younger politicians and the choices and basement for forming new and better governance are rather tiny bcs the biggest opposition party has often been far from rule and honest governance itself.

February 14. All best wishes and many hugs on friendship day, after return to Caribbeans, this time to meet Mayas and Mexico...

January 9. If a soul and heart can take a form of voice, that is it - Nella Fantasia, as performed by 22-year old Sungbong Choi at Korea got talent. Korean boy taken by parents to orphanage at age 3, since 5 lived on streets for a decade, incredible voice. The song starts at 2:50. "In my fantasy I see a fair world, everyone lives in peace and honesty. I dream of souls that are always free, like a cloud that floats, full of humanity in the depths. In my fantasy I see a bright world night there is less darkness. I dream of souls that are always free, like a cloud that floats. In my fantasy exists a warm wind, that breathes into the city, as a friend. I dream of souls that are always free, like a cloud that floats, full of humanity in the depths." Greetings to my US winter 1993 Korean friends! Nam (Nam TaeWoo from Pusan), your beautiful vases do well. 
January 4. Happy New Year to all good people! I hope from the bottom of my heart that this year will be better than the last 3 and finally, that truth and justice will prevail. For those of you who remember where and why you came from, some greetings here.
If nothing else substantial happens by the end of this year to Earth I still hope warmth and knowledge that we are here with mission will have reached more minds and hearts. Share love and compassion and not hate, step against violence and never give up belief all of us can make the world better at least a bit. 
December 2011

December 26. Estonian TV had on Christmas Eve report about little boy whose big tumor in body vanished miracously and who has gained sudden gift to play piano. When thing like that happens in Estonia, you wonder first is this real miracle or another case of doctors putting wrong diagnose and when truth comes out, better call it miracle. Miracles happen, but you need to be in good hands to let them happen - two good examples from this Christmas season: US coma patient wrongly thought to be brain dead by doctors wakes up shortly before planned take-off from chance to return to life (read more HERE) and George Michael thanks Austrian doctors for survining same form of streptococcus pneumonia my 26-year old son had but in difference of us GM was lucky to be treated by Austrian doctors who did relevant tests in time and used in time antibiotics to treat pneumonia (and not "brain suppressing drugs" for first 12 days until finally realizing their mistake as in our case by the devil doctors we met at Tallinn biggest hospital who then hoped to cover their fatal mistakes up with most brutal actions one can imagine). More on Michael´s gratitude to his doctors HERE.
December 25. Tallinn Christmas market is not what it used to be since the city leaders kicked off two years ago the local masters who cant afford the huge rent for market selling points any more. There are only few Estonian masters left at the market, one of them, my favorite from Saaremaa, an old lady selling wonderful wooden items her family makes. She has been there for nearly a decade every Christmas and even on some chilly days with over minus 20 degrees few years ago, still selling these items on square. Last year the local Estonian masters tried to have their own old-fashioned market at other place but being out of old town it attracted so few customers their market was not reopened this year. Having some holiday this fall left I decided to visit my friends in Belgium and Finland and choosing friendship over holiday at some warmer place near sea that is my utmost wish always in winter was well worth it. The sheeps at Brussels old town square and food by local farmers at  Christmas market nearby, the few concerts and lot more really made it. Friendship is one of the most precious gifts we have in our lifetime on Earth. Merry Christmas to all of You!

December 15. There are few hidden concert places in Tallinn that have great concerts but not much audience and i wonder why. The two brilliant concerts with piano, violin and quitar music at Muusikamaja last week went with one of them atrracting 20 people into audience and second even less than that despite the price of ticket was really low. Few days before at the concert at Jaani church - hundreds of people in audience despite the ticket was rather pricy and unlike most other times there not much feelings from that concert. So what attracts music lovers where? Other hidden treasure of Tallinn music life is the church near Kadriorg park that got new organ this autumn and at the both concerts there in recent weeks that were absloutely gourgeous only handful of people were listening. Tallinn music life is really something that warms the heart of music lover but i wonder how so many wonderful concerts go to almost empty audience. 
Two weeks until the end of year with many people wondering whether the predictions about 21.12.2012 are true or not. Net is full of ideas, fears, hopes and knowledge that some think is crazy but those with similar experiences watch with interest. One of kind by Matias De Stefano is  HERE.     

December 7. Best health tip I learned from my grandmom - hug u child(ren) every day. Unfortunately, we loose that tool to protect our kids with that invisible loving kit we put around them that way when they grow up and move out but until that its always up to you. I read this week even scientists believe hugging can really have a positive impact as it releases oxytocin and some scientists believe even voice of your beloved mom on phone has the effect - read more here.

December 5. French TV5 journalist who visited Estonia with his cameraman and asked me to help them a bit made two wonderful cultural stories about Estonia for French-speaking audience in many states. One of their stories, about Nukufilm masters who are among the few if not the last in world who make great puppet films without computer is HERE.
December 2. Transparency Estonia (look more at www.transparency.ee/cm/en) had press conference this week about corruption and one of their main messages was that the main obstacle in fight with corruption in Estonia is the unwillingness of politicians to deal with corruption in areas supervised by these politicians. Golden words that are as true also regarding the corruption in medical surveillance, supervised by Social Ministry and Social Minister Hanno Pevkur from ruling Reform party. After I raised the question about lack of patient rights law at the Foreign Ministry human rights press conference this January, minister Pevkur called me soon after and amomg other things asked me not to turn to court against him before parliament elections 2011 regarding the violation of law in our case of medical surveillance.  When I saw him speaking  at corruption press conference this autumn and read now he is going to be also key speaker at human rights event on December 10, 2011 in Tallinn the only question I have is to how more hypocratic can be some of those politicians whom violation of laws and corruption is business as usual. How much of energy and humilation from victims it will take to get some kind of changes at last?
We went with photographer Raigo Pajula who has done brilliant photos to my stories for a decade to  other side of Estonia last weekend, to place called Setoland or Seto Kingdom to make a feature about the culture of that extrardinary European old minority with still strong traditions. Worth of visit, specially if you are in Estonia in summer time. Go to www.setomaa.ee to read more. After we met a woman who was elected to chair the kingdom two years ago we went to see also local county head who had been hunting with 20 friends and demonstrated us with a proud what they had got that day - huge wild boar fell out from the back door of his car that made me the nature lover sad but the hunter who was very kind and spoke only local Seto language to me claimed wild animals need to be treated that way sometimes because otherwise they will become a danger for people... One of my friends told me recently she believes one of the biggest shocks people at Earth will learn this century is that animals do have souls. Links: Seto Kingdom

November 2011
November 5, 2011. I asked one of the monks with Dalai Lama during his recent visit to Tallinn when we were driving in small bus from one meeting around how many times they pray a day. Impossible to say, he replied, as anyone can pray in solitude, no regular fixed daily prays. When you have prayed daily for two decades and at some point start for months praying at least hundred times every single day, doing it for someone else and then you are suddenly in circumstances when you forget that hundred a day prays promise you have given to yourself and that is when things go wrong, it will make you to return to that cut line over and over, wondering whether it made a change.  

One of the advantages living in town with many churches is there are lot of nice concerts around. The all souls day was on Nov. 2 but there was an angelic Souls day concert today at Niguliste church. After short walk we decided to go to Pirita for vesper and after that turned out Padre Vello had birthday so I ended up drinking some champagne and eating Toscana cake sisters had made. Young man came to sit close to me during vesper. When I asked Mother Riccarda who he was it turned out the man,21 from Haapsalu town had had terrible car accident 3 years ago, he lost two friends and was in comatose for long and was declared hopeless with no brain function by doctors from- again, again - from Tallinn. But her mother managed to take him home and one day he woke up. He has some health problems since, but he is aliv. Was it coincindence to meet one more young person whom the Tallinn hospital doctors gave no hope at all and who was saved thanks to luck?       
There were two interesting articles about Estonia´s image last month, one by Estonian who grow up in US but has lived in Estonia for last 20 years and other by woman in her late 20s who has lived nearly decade abroad, in UK mainly. Their common message was that Estonia´s model image abroad is a big fake and that in many terms Estonia has more common with Latin America because of poverty, child poverty, deficit of compassion, PM rhetorics, growing gaps between rich and poor, and that praising stories written by some western journalists after their 2-3 day paid stays at Tallinn luxury hotels are often ridiculous. Even The Guardian just managed to publish a really childish story, with many factual errors, completely ignoring reality and praising Estonian president who has Zero input to it for "making E-stonia" and "securing Estonia´s NATO membership etc - all wrong. But thousands read and probably believe. Jobless reached 19% in Estonia - biggest in EU after Spain - during recent crises but regardless of that Estonia´s financial and budget policy that could make a mess on streets of Paris keeps getting model-state label.

October 2011 

October 15/16, 2011. Two years passed on Saturday since we lost Oliver. I spent the morning at his room, then went to fish market and walked nearby sea. Yesterday on Sunday we went to Pärnu with my friend Riccarda and five other nuns from Tallinn Bridgettine Abbey, nuns were invited there by local catholic community, so we joined the mass there, had nice talk with locals and before returning to Tallinn we went to see sunset at Pärnu beach. It was cloudy, windy and rather dark at already 19 but still nice. For more last news this time you can click HERE.
September 2011
September 24, Saturday. We had a nice lunch nearly two weeks ago on September 12 with Oliver´s friends on his birthday at the Town Hall square in Tallinn old town. The boys - i still see them like that even that they are 28 now - havent changed almost at all during those two years. Its always so nice to meet them, Oliver has been the heart of big group of friends for long and many of them have told me he has been their own best friend, and he is so much missed.
I lost one of my best friends this week but I cant say anything else except that what a luck it is to live till 101th birthday and to see all century with christal clear mind! My friend Evald who was born in 1910 when Estonia was still ruled by Russian tsar and with whom we became friends in 1989 when he called to my newspaper and felt like an good friend already at the first meeting, was a man with very big heart and wisdom. I also learned from this friendship - looking how he travelled all the way down to Australia to meet his pre-war sweetheart of 30s being already 80 - that number of so big age is not the merit for how old you really are, but its your spirit and he really kept it young till end. When he was sent to elderly house month ago in August, he dint leave behind just house he had built and the apple tree that he hugged sometimes and that he had planted together with is beloved wife of over 50 years. He also left behind power of life and when I met him last Sunday, he had became so weak so rapidly.. I always told him how happy he is to have had such a long life with such a great memory. The only time during our 22 years of friendship when I heard him being angry was when he had been put to elderly house first time, being 95. He called me and said it was worse than prison - only old people everywhere! - and managed to get back home in three months to get another six years life in his own house with the garden avec the hugging apple tree.  
With 10 years having passed since 9/10, with image of US also changed a lot I have thought more extensively about how on the Earth its 21 century and we still have all those wars and waste so much money for military instead of making globe a peaceful joint home, finally all realizing we are only guests here for such a brief moment. The new report of Finnish military experts on Russia just noted that while NATO members in Europe have decreased the spendings on military, Russia has done the opposite. "Russia has significantly increased its military presence in the western region and has created a new west strategic command that is - to believe its own military head - much more powerful than was the Leningrad military district," General Ants Laaneots, head of Estonia's defence forces, said in an interview to TV this week, adding that this is causing worries in Finland, Sweden, Baltic State and Poland. The general also noted Russia has carried out military exercises all summer and he feels alarmed bcs R. has strongly emphasized cooperation between various types of military forces and command staffs and in August, they had 2000 communication soldiers testing and practicing cooperation between their communication systems (for full text search for it with headline from my articles section). How much I  wished it all to be over, that summer 20 years ago at the Russian White House in Moscow at the end of the coup attempt when not only a chance of new and better Russia emerging, but a new world in broader and better sense felt so much more realistic.
After I read this month a a study that indicates big number of teens in Estonia say they go bed without eating dinner - sometimes or always -, and I made interview with the study coordinator - and Child Welfare Union head says the number of kids in need for assistance is up to 30 000 in just 1.3 million population state I wish we could do something with that. There are probably lot of people who would like to donate some money for the kids in need either every month or as one time donation but some kind of coordination to make the aid to reach those in need is needed. Told about it the child welfare union and some other poverty experts and probably the Dutch who has run the food-bank for people in need will be the best to get that extra financing. Estonian media - including local news agency BNS, and tabloid daily and tabloid news site made an extra silly and stupid mistakes translating and refering AFP story on that study and decreased jobless and turned out even when they learned what mistakes they had made and sent me apology in emails, they felt embarassed to admit that publicly. Top of all these mistakes was the claim at local tabloid ÕL that wrote AFP made poverty story without even contacting the source, despite I myself made interview with the expert! The expert wrote me she never told anyone that she didnt talk to me, in the contrary said she told local media she spoke to me. I cant really feel I can use much of energy for silly mistakes like that in Estonian media but I am wondering what the ordinary people could feel who read things that are not true about them and cant do anything with that.
It seems that poverty and kids poverty is one of new taboo matters in Estonia and not only. The long time correspondent of the biggest Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat who is married to Estonian retired army officer told me week ago that Estonian cultural minister had called in radio her "hostile to Estonia" and "a problem" for writing something not welcome. I always wonder when officials take such a stand not realizing that there are different opinions, foreign journalists are not PR workers and we all have right for opinions - regardless whether I myself agree with these opinions. And for sure the best way to try to make a journalist more hostile is to humilate the person.     
 September 5, Monday. I took a 14 km walk yesterday by seaside, breaking it for two hours doing one of my beloved actions - resting on sand by sea and looking at the movie I am shown in sky. Looking at clouds I thought that I havent seen Oliver for many months in my dreams. And he came this night!! Being around 10, and what a dream - like an action film. We were together taking efforts to disclose some bad guy and looked for some missing papers at his home and had to use courage and wisdom for that and Oliver was the leading force in it while I was worried he takes too much risks but all went well. Really different dream of what I have seen before. In most of those dreams I have seen he has told me something meaningful. I did not use to remember most of the dreams in years before, but these dreams are very vivid and I remember them when I wake up. One week to go to his birthday.
September 4, Sunday.  The majestic concert of Orchestre de Paris in Tallinn this week and my regret for lacking the ability to attend nice indoor concerts knowing it is too emotional as even the few outdoor ones have been, reminded me about the lonely 2 Weltmeister´s, mine and dad´s at home, so perhaps one day I can try indoor concert at home and play again accordeon for my friends. When I do, we look like this.
.August 2011 
August 28. What a month it has been. Baltic States celebrate the 20th anniversary of the failed coup in Moscow in August 19-21, 1991 that led to the restoration of the independence and I recalled my days at Russian White House in Moscow that was HQ of resistance against coup, under leadership of Boris Yeltsin and other brave people with whom we stood against the attempt to put the end to perestroika. In Estonia the media coverage on that all was as absurd as it has been for long - you could get the feeling from Estonian media and leaders (who were far from frontline these years) that the coup in Moscow 1991 failed thanks to brave Estonia and the other brave country was Iceland, and not a word of tribute to Yeltsin. Seems most Estonians dont know even tha Iceland regognized the independence of Lithuania long before the Moscow coup and what followed - nothing at all. Only after Yeltsin called on August 24, 1991 international communitty up to regongnize Baltic States the wave of support started with France being the first big state to do so on August 25, 1991. I asked Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (whom I remember as one of few in West supporting us also during those years 20 year ago) at press conerence in Tallinn on 20.08.2011 to give some words on that and he of course echoed what I had said on Yeltsin, outlining the leading role of Yeltsin in August 1991. The only other Baltic journalist who stayed with me at Yeltsin HQ on August 20, 1991, Ramune from Lithuania (she is  off from media now and civil cervant) wrote me she had just launched her book. For the evening of August 20, 2011 travelled to North East Estonia, Toila Oru Park marvellous open air concert place nearby sea for a festive concert with songs that became very close to our hearts during singing revolution. Tears kept coming out and out during all the evening, but it was very nice concert. One of the two singers, Maarja-Liis went to same school in Tallinn with my son and the words of the songs she performed with Ivo Linna, one of the most known singers during singing revolution years  were very touching and emotional. 
I learned this week FIVE out of nine doctors who did a severe mistake last year, declaring wrongly a young woman Milana into permanent "vegetable" status in Tallinn with no brain improvement chances (she got help later from Germany, is awake and speaks now) were the same Estonian doctors who were involved with the tragedy that finished the life of my 26-year old son in autumn 2009 in same hospital. 4 out of these 9 doctors were directly involved with our case and in addition one tried to help later to cover it up. I know Oliver has helped many people, bcs they dont dare any more to use some of those illegal abusive brutalities they did to him after I revealed it to public, including chaining, seducing with chemical means to shut his plea for help down and they dont dare to end the life in same way so easily, because they are scared finally that killing like that will be followed by punishment. And even some new rules for patient safety were introduced after my vast critics on that mess and lack of rescpect to laws in some Tallinn hospitals, mostly in that where we were. It breaks my heart every morning I wake up and think of Oliver. How things could have been so different if we had only known what will follow in time, so we could go to some hospital like the Tartu University hospital in South Estonia, known for its completely different, much human attitude and higher patient safety rules. Milana´s father Vadim with whom we talked on Saturday said that compared to the hospital in Tallinn the treatment and attitude in Tartu differs like black and white and he is very happy Milana is in hands of good people now. I heard also he is amazed (like me) how cruel are some Estonian health officials with long Soviet practice in Tallinn with victims relatives, even after the mistakes of their fellows are revealed.      
There have been also some nice moments. His Holiness Dalai Lama made handshakes with some after meeting media in Tallinn on August 18, 2011 but after reaching me he made first handshake, then became very concentrated and after that locked me to himself with his left hand and greeted other people after that with right hand only, keeping me still tightly in his hand... Well, that was sweet. Most what he told, also in his public speech day earlier and later at the Estonian Academy of Sciences I know since childhood but obviously there are grownups who need to be reminded what being human being means. When I put the photo up at my Facebook site, my classmate SL wrote it feels so blessed and Priit Vesilind, long time photographer at the National Geographic made it even sweeter: "Amazing. He must have felt that you had a very special quality in you. He is a very receptive person, I've heard." I wish I could have chance to talk more to Dalai Lama who was on his third visit to Estonia. Of what he said in Estonia I like most he stressed a need for more compassion, to care for others and also reminded that children who are close to their mothers get inner piece that in turn is the main thing making you feeling happy. I would add that the inner piece that we can learn to seek also ourselves gives us more strenght to stand and struggle for good.  
August 15, The Võtikvere 12th book festival organised by journalist and writer Imbi Paju on Saturday, August 13, 2011 at Võtikvere village not far from Lake Peipsi that separates Estonia from Russia was lovely experience. Several people who had bought my book came  after my speech to speak in private and said some nice words. I liked a lot one older lady who came to ask for signature and said her husband has been and is a big fan of my writings... When a complete stranger says that you know it omes from heart so that was really sweet. I also had some touching conversations with many more. The evening ended in Tartu where we went to see love film festival at midnight in open air with my childhood friend and next day I also finally visited the Tartu Toy Museum (look for it at http://www.mm.ee/). Its a "must" place in case you are visiting Estonia with kids and have time, lot of toys from various centuries and kids can also play with some of them. I went there to see mainly Boba toys, he had 800 toys of which some are in museum now. Boba alias Vladimir Sapozhnin was a multitalented musician who became very famous already before WWII in Estonia and was highly beloved by people also during Soviet occupation for his warm heart and violin performances. He was one of the first people I made interview as media-journalist in mid-80s. As I had had my that time very young kid with me during the interview he later called me sometimes to remind me about his open invitation to take Oliver to his home to play with his huge collaction of the toys he had brought to Estonia during his concert tours to many parts of the world when it still was possible to travel freely before WWII. 
My short holiday has just ended, but was colourful, starting with night sailing from Tallinn to another Estonian coastal town Haapsalu, then bus trip to Riga, capital of Latvia where from it went on by boat trip to Jurmala where I had never been but I will cordially recommend its lovely huge sandy Baltic beach to everyone. Found also the Jurmala beach Havana Club lounge and decided to stay there also for sunset soul concert. The girl in Havana Club beach pub even managed to make a really great Coco Loco with the help of receipt in net after I asked whether its in menu and despite it cost 11 euros it was worth it. But she spoiled the lovely feeling later offering to make her favorite coctail, mixing up something that tasted like soap water and asking before I left for the glass of that terrible drink she had created 16 euros! Paid without comment but hocus-pocus with other customers like this might not be the best way to promote a pub or yourself. Latvians told me Jurmala has became a new hometown of many Russian millioners who have moved to live at the Baltic coastal summer resort from Russia. I was glad that despite it had been very rainy week the evening there ended with nice sunset and partly clear sky with only some clouds around sleepy Sun falling into sea.  
August 9, Saw notes by a friend who asked - when we arrived to the era where media makes killers look like heroes - and its probably something that many journalists who still long back the times when a mission and not the money-drived click-era journalism prevailed think. The way Norweigan mass-murderer, his uniform photos and endless list of his ideas have been introduced in worldwide media is just another example how internet era changed the way mass media works. It seems like everything is tolerated in sake of clicks that brings profit for media owners and journalists involved have lost the sense of responsibility because they do what is needed to keep their own bread on table. Even some of my good colleagues have started to speak about readers using the termin "our clients" that sounds just so no right ("that is what our clients would like, great topic!") . I know that many of my colleagues over the years, including in Finnish News Agency STT and also in Agence France-Presse feel the same way. I remember when I joined STT few years later, at the start of 90s we had one of first bomb threat in Tallinn against one big Finnish oil-company local office but the firm decision was not to report it - that used to be a common sense rule on cases like that, also in order to diminish copy-cats chances. By now, if you look at media and news, all seems to go. At some point it feels that change in cyber-era media has also changed the meaning of (once upon a time it really used to be esteemed) word "journalist", with many of those called journalists these days I would call just media owners jackleg employees. The new era that has lasted in media for around a decade by now treats all topics by the moral-for-clicks-and-profit-rule and has made its way also to what we used to call quality media. Just another example - could anyone of us imagine 15 years in mid90s we could see all around the world local and global media regardless of being tabloid or still called quality-media making huge profits for selling three weeks almost daily stories based on rumours about Monaco´s Prince Albert II and his sweetheart bride - without even source of these rumours known? One can say that is what people wish from media - low-level gossips, all details of killers mind etc but I strongly disagree. One of  the goals of media should always be to educate its readers and viewers - and not in sense of giving them more info that you can get from many other sources these days, but showing also the course of being more noble human beings.       
August 6, Sailing again, this time on sunset, night and sunrise from Tallinn to Haapsalu. The weather was marvellous, bcs the sky was clear, sea calm and the sunrise was absolutely adorable. Did I say I love the sea? I can repeat it all the time. While some of us went to lay down after sunset for a while most of us were on deck singing and some (as I heard) even dancing after midnight. Once again, smth interesting happened. I asked the man on duty in morning in front of all others suddenly who is on duty - he was standing behind wheel but I kind of got the feeling smth is going to happen. He replied leeaving impression all ok, but few minutes later - pam - our yacht hit the land bcs it had been on wrong course!  We managed to get off and on safely and quick and the guy tried explain the land at that part on the bottom of the sea has changed that not all seemed to believe, but I was wondering how again I got the feeling of smth coming before it happened. Oliver´s camera is making really nice photos. Some new sailing photos here
August 4, Imbi Paju, journalist and writer who lives in Finland but visits Estonia often kindly invited me to speak about my book "Estonian Christmas in Kremlin" in mid-August at the annual Literature festival at Võtikvere village that she launched years ago and that has became very popular. Head of Foreign Affairs Committee of the Estonian parliament Marko Mihkelson who used to work also as a journalist, will speak about his book and there are many more topics to be discussed. The event will also mark the 20th anniversay of the restoration of the Baltic States independence in summer 1991 after failed coup attempt in Moscow.  

August 3, Man who abused cat in Estonian town Narva was taken into custody, criminal investigation was launched quickly and he might face a year in prison, Est media wrote. The man who caused caused gun wound to his wife here -  another story I saw these days - was not taken into custody, but at least criminal investigation was opened. You sometimes get a feeling in Estonia that human life is so much less valuable than anything else, even the life of animals. 

August 2,  3-year old Estonian boy fell into 15 metre well that had 2 m water at the bottom but managed to keep himself on water, holding tightly a rope, until rescuers alerted by his parents arrived to Annikoru village at South Estonia and took him out - amazing story and what a brave kid. The well cover was so old and weak it crashed when the boy stepped on it.

August 1, 2011. France, US, Germany... While the blog has had most readers from US generally, the July statistics shows it was exceptionally that for that one month readers from France outlined the number of those in US. And as soon as I mentioned Iran readers,Iran is gone and I guess I know why.  

July 2011 

July 31, 2011, Sunday. One of the nice things in net is that it offers a wide selection of great nature videos as well as some healing, meditation videos, my this weeks favourite at Youtube is Nuuz El Ab - Oliver Shanti. Btw, Shanti means Peace.

July 30, 2011, The best known Tallinn historian about medieval era Jüri Kuuskemaa is quoted saying in Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht today that when average Estonian sees an embarrassing problem it turns its head away instead of doing something to fix the problem. He is worried Tallinn old town, listed in UNESCO  world heritage list is in such a bad shape and not much people seem to care. 

July 29, 2011, I noticed only this week May 2011 long interview with the parent of young woman Milana Kashtanova from Estonia who fell into comatose after being hit by icelet in St. Petersburg, his family were told in Tallinn where she was transfered later that she is in permanent vegetable status, and hopeless, claiming she has no chances while year later in Germany she is awake and speaking now. My heart is with all families in a similar struggle. Estonian state health official, 72-yeard olf Soviet educated cynic has caused them similar kind of pain as to money other victims and their families, commenting the case in media with his ironic remarks. Estonian government, including Social Minister Hanno Pevkur has done nothing to stop that.
I also read a very warning article (Search for "Wanted Dead or Alive: ORGAN DONORS" by By Paul A. Byrne, M.D) that says the apnea tests performed "to prove" whether patient is brain dead or in comatose affects comatose patients´s brain the way it might become brain dead so the organ donor hunters can go on - what they do or wish to do as we all know and as Milana case above has indicated also to people who could survive if they end up in normal care instead of devil minded doctors.

July 28, 2011, The best way not to feel hurt when people we considered friends disappear in hard times is probably to simply conclude these people were not our friends after all, neither otherwise so meaningful, even if we wished to think so. Instead of feeling sorry its wiser to be more grateful for those who really care.

July 27, 2011 Name day, already end of July. Feels like I have lost sense of time. 
July 26, 2011 Sailing late yesterday on Tallinn bay, wish I could stay on deck of boat for much longer, nothing can relax the mind more than time on sea. Some sailing photos here.
July 25, 2011, Monday. Just as I was so glad for the seven kidnapped Estonians back at home from Syria/Lebanon, such a sorrow week later in Norway after bomb explosion and bloodshed at youth camp on July 22, with nearly hundred people taken.  Truelly amazing was the editorial of Wall Street Journal day later, on Saturday - despite the terrible thing was carried out by white man who is born and educated in Norway WSJ managed to write an editorial where lot of blame goes to - moslems! The homemade Scandinavian psychopat has something very similar to the Tallinn 2009 autumn hospital psychopat we met - noone of his colleagues realised what a monster is under his skin. 
How true are the words Estonian ex-hostage Jaan Jagomägi told me in interview last week - there are no bad religion, but there are some bad people who misuse the religion. Nice words after nearly 4 months in hostage in Lebanon/Syria. How can a man like the one in Norway declare a war against moslems, do something to so many innocent people and call himself Christian? If you are seeking Divine, whatever is the road you have choosen, you will never harm innocent people.
July 21, 2011 We made photos late yesterday near sea for the interiew with one Estonian kidnapped in Lebanon and he looked so different without beard and with new haircut! Very lovely young man emerged. He spoke so nicely how happy is his young daugther who has started every day with saying: it is going to be a nice day, because daddy is at home. 
Saw a story that German`s leader Angela Merkel adopted a youth orchestra and announced about her personal sponsorship for the Baltic Youth Philharmonic and that the founder and artistic director of the orchestra is Estonian Kristjan Järvi. His older brother Paavo Järvi has been for long and still is chief conductor of two German orchestras - in Frankfurt and Bremen and since last year also main conductor of the Orchestre de Paris. Paavo told me golden words in interview we made for Finnish daily in December 2006: kids around the world should learn history as music history, and not like now from a war to war that keeps creating hostile attitude among nations.  
July 20, 2011. I abominate people who use + enjoy any kind of violence against others or take off u freedom. But whatever was paid to get 7 hostages free in Lebanon was worth it. You heartless greedy people - the 80,7 % of 2000 polled by Estonian daily Postimees who say less than week when the men free that paying ransom wrong: Human life IS priceless.
I liked the editorial of one news site yesterday in Estonia that indicated the hypocricy of Estonian government  while helping out kidnapped Estonians (because that was a shame internationally) it still completely ignores the cry for help to change  medical system where 1500 are estimated to perish a year due to medical mistakes and where many badly ill people are seen by state as useless moneywasters who are just left to die without treatment.
 Deadly foxes in Estonia: Tartu University scientists (saw interview with one of them, Epp Moks) warn about illness carried on by foxes (third said to be infected) in Estonia, gets to human via dogs , cats and berries and can cause cancer like illness and hit brain, heart and liver and might easily be not tested and turn fatal without treatment. 
 July 19, 2011. Made an interview today with one of the Estonians (luckily ex-) hostages in Lebanon, Jaan Jagomägi. Really nice all seven came back safely and equally nice they dont slam on region neither the religion there. "There are no bad religions, but there are some bad people who misuse the religion," Jagomägi stressed. The French European Affairs Minister Laurent Wauquiez with whom we talked also on that kidnapping thing in mid June when he visited Estonia and called me after meeting the PM in Tallinn, told me to be patient and convinced the case will end well. He was right. As the ex-hostages seem to have big gratitude to government, my view is of course different - the only thing that really matters for them is when their image is damaged abroad so I am glad me and my colleague at AFP kept repeating the mantra of one hostage on of the videos released by kidnappers: Estonian government has left us, and does not care for us. Perthaps these words speed things also up slightly. Main things is they are free and whatever was the price paid if it was - human life is priceless. 
But the news another nurse in Europe - in Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, UK - has been arrested today being suspected killig three  patients with insulin was hard. Last time I read an European nurse used insulin to kill many people was about Spainish nurse. Insulin oversdose is the common mean to end patients life as medical staff allo around the world knows - hardly tested, hard to prove, easy to us. This time three died after receiving saline contaminated with insulin and many more feel very sick as a result. Has this been case also in Estonia were so many people as 1500 are estimated to perish in hospitals due to medical mistakes annually, and where patient unions said in its recent report victims relatives sayd there are deliberate actions used in hospitals to get quickly rid of some patients?  
July 16, 2011 One dear friend - Krusenstern (or Kruzenshtern) that stayed firmly anchored and seemed to have lot of time arrived to Tallinn yesterday - the German built ship, world´s biggest still sailing "yacht" that was almost part of Tallinn bay when I was young. I absolutely adore that ship and wish it could be back at Tallinn permanently.Went to see it all the three days it was here and managed to get aboard also that was well worth it. Some photos here.
 July 15, 2011 When I watched during the early hours this morning how the plane with seven Estonian men that were kidnapped in Lebanon in March landed in Tallinn and the kidnapped said they were treated well, the summary is even the radical moslem kidnappers were way off more human than those sophisticated hospital bastards we met here in Tallinn in autumn 2009 and who enjoy chaining of people and all the other cruel things you can read in my separate blog. about that. My story about the return of kidnapped Estonians is HERE.  
July 14, 2011  Happy birthday France! After having thoughts about French embassy guarden party today, I think I found suitable silk hat for the event, in light of recent extra silly decision to sell Mistral´s +other killing staff to the army that killed 40 000 civilians in Chechnya under current leaders, not speaking its other horrors. Hat designer: Finnish army. Model: the one used during attacks of Russia against Finland during WWII.
The hat and elseusee originally belongs to Raul Kuutma, Honorary Chairman of union of Estonians who fought Russian Army in Finland when Russians tried to occupy also Finland. And yes, from deep in my heart I am sending with the photo also msg to all thoise who enjoy torture and killing of other humans.
July 4, 2011 Song festival in Tallinn again put me into very nostalgic mood since just two years ago in summer 2009 everything was so different. So much has changed. Like always, the story I wrote about the song festival went on like hot bread, weeks later I see tens of thousands of links both in English and French (look the "articles" site for that).  The 2011 festival had a new song also, that song What land is It? (repeated above by composer, singer and ex-MP Siiri Sisask), performed at the start and end of the festival, gave a strong political and human message to the festival and depicts also a lot my feelings. Words: What land is that? Are really people here ok for simply being the slaves? Who will collect the pain, so love can come and misery end/ What land is that where compassion is in danger/ Where freedom has been digged into Earth/ Where is the justice here/ Where those in pain should look for chancery/ I could run away from here /but something still is keeping me at home...  

July 2011 Page audience statistics for June 2011 says the site is most read from US, Germany, France, Iran, Ukraine, Russia and Finland. Well, Iran is a surprise.

I have seen readers returning to the page over and over from different parts of the world even that I havent amended the homepage much since autumn 2009. I still dont feel I wish to change my main homepage much, because in a way time stopped that autumn not only for my son but also for me and it will probably remain that way until the end of my journey on Earth. But I will put some daily notes here to the diary from now on, occasionally. And despite I dont know in person who you are I am wishing the very best to those of you who know that being a human means to have a loving heart. And even if you feel you dont have any other mission in your life remember you can always share your kindness. Anneli, July 18, 2011

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