
The other song, for many even dearest

Here you can see the song festival ground in Tallinn and hear the song mentioned in the story i posted first - just copy the link


Its not the anthem but for many Estonians - and some say for most - its even dearer than the anthem. And you can see with your eyes at that video, it really is a huge choir and just one conductor.

The bird you see here - dressed in national colors of Estonia - blue-black-white is called "sinitihane" and its from site of the Nature Omnibus friends, created by friend of mine and many others Jaan Riis who for many years has offered Tallinn nature-loving inhabitants a brilliant chance to get off on weekend to islands, nature resorts and many other beautiful landscapes. You can check their site at www.looduseomnibuss.ee Credits for photo from their site go to Heino Ruiso.

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