His Holiness Dalai Lama made handshakes with some after meeting media in Tallinn on August 18, 2011 but after reaching me he made first handshake, then became very concentrated and after that locked me to himself with his left
Most what he told, also in his public speech day earlier and later at the Estonian Academy of Sciences I know since childhood but obviously there are grownups who need to be reminded what being human being means.
When I put the photo up at my Facebook site, my classmate SL wrote it feels so blessed and Priit Vesilind, long time photographer at the National Geographic made it even sweeter: "Amazing. He must have felt that you had a very special quality in you. He is a very receptive person, I've heard." I wish I could have chance to talk more to Dalai Lama who was on his third visit to Estonia. Of what he said in Estonia I like most he stressed a need for more compassion, to care for others and also reminded that children who are close to their mothers get inner piece that in turn is the main thing making you feeling happy.
I would add that the inner piece that we can learn to seek also ourselves gives us more strength to stand and struggle for good. Back to full front page from here.